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過去のセミナー/2011年度 の履歴(No.2)

2011年度 組合せ数学セミナー

  • 世話人: 溝口 佳寛(九大IMI),谷口 哲至(松江高専),三枝崎剛(大分高専)
  • アドバイザー: 坂内 英一(上海交通大学/九州大学)

第1回 2011年 4月23日(土)

  • アブストラクト

Kirill Morozov (九州大学 マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所)

  • タイトル: Introduction to code-based public key encryption.
  • アブストラクト:

In this talk, we will present two code-based public-key encryption (PKE) schemes: the McEliece PKE and its dual, the Niederreiter PKE. We will discuss underlying computational problems, review basic attacks, and provide some evidences why these schemes are believed to be "oneway" (OW) — a very basic and intuitive security notion. Next, we will present a simple trick which will upgrade these schemes in order to achieve "semantic security" (also known as "security against chosen plaintext attack") — another basic notion, which is believed to be a minimal requirement for security of modern PKE. This talk is targeted at a general mathematical audience.