Hakata Workshop;Winter Meeting 2019 の履歴(No.1)
- 履歴一覧
- 差分 を表示
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- ソース を表示
- Hakata Workshop;Winter Meeting 2019 へ行く。
Hakata Workshop; Winter Meeting 2019†
〜Discrete Mathematics and its Applications〜
Our purpose of this meeting is giving an opportunity to make a speech and to communicate with researchers who study various fields not only Combinatorics.
Further information is available from the organizers below.
- Yoshihiro Mizoguchi (Kyushu University),
- Tetsuji Taniguchi (Hiroshima Institute of Technology),
- Osamu Shimabukuro (Nagasaki University),
- Makoto Tagami (Kyushu Institute of Technology),
- Hirotake Kurihara (Kitakyushu National College of Technology),
- Shuya Chiba (Kumamoto University),
- Tsuyoshi Miezaki (University of the Ryukyus).
Supported by†
- Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University
- JSPS KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)) Grant Number 25400217.
- JSPS KAKENHI(Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)) Grant Number 17K05346
February 21, 2019
Kyushu University (see https://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ja/campus/ito/)
- Thursday, February 21
- Title:
- Abstract:
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- Abstract:
- Title:
- Abstract:
- Title:
- Abstract:
- Title:
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